Camel Races of Kuwait
You haven't really experienced life in the Middle East unless you have gone to the camel races. They start in the fall and are held every weekend (Thursday and Friday) until it starts to get hot in April.  The track is a 5 kilometers oval with a road running alongside the track. As the camels race, they are flanked by all sorts of vehicles racing alongside on the dirt road paralleling the race  track.  From the stands as the camels round the final turn you see this wild melee of vehicles racing ahead to position themselves at the finish line to watch their favorite cross the line.  As the camels lope toward the finish line they are frothing at the mouth and the small boy (7-10 years old)  riders   flail at them with  whips, as the crowd cheers for their favorite. 

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At the Camel Races

        The camels first come into view.                The cars race to the finish to watch.

The camels lope across the finish line.

Spectators by the reviewing stand.   Sunset over the desert as the races are over.

     The winning camel trainers